“Endgame” takes place after the shocking events of “Infinity War,” with half of the world’s population gone, after Thanos secured all the Infinity Stones and snapped his finger. There are survivors of “the snap,” including Captain America and Black Widow, who attempt to reverse what happened. I gather it should be fine, all will be well in the end for our MCU heroes, but I’m praying The Russos have a few surprises up their sleeves, I beg you, please don’t make this last chapter a by-the-books affair, go out with a bang, shoot the action the same way you elevated 2014’s “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” into the level of art. The “Avengers: Endgame” cast is led by Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Don Cheadle, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, among many others. “Avengers: Endgame” will be in theaters nationwide on April 26th. Contribute Hire me

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