According to Variety, Scorsese is working on a new documentary titled “’Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese,” set for release on Netflix sometime in 2019. This makes Netflix the home for two upcoming Martin Scorsese-directed movies in 2019 (“The Irishman” being the other). The Rolling Thunder Revue is a legendary tour from Bob Dylan which was aimed to coincide with his 1975 mastwerwork “Blood on the Tracks.” It also featured an eccentric array of  of writers, poets, musicians, who would join Dylan on-stage (Joan Baez, Bob Neuwirth, Roger McGuinn, T Bone Burnett, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, Allen Ginsberg, Sam Shepard, Joni Mitchell, Ringo Starr, Patti Smith, Bette Midler, Dennis Hopper.) Official Synopsis: “’Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese’ captures the troubled spirit of America in 1975 and the joyous music that Dylan performed during the fall of that year. Part documentary, part concert film, part fever dream, ‘Rolling Thunder’ is a one of a kind experience, from master filmmaker Martin Scorsese.” This does not sound like a normal documentary. It must be a hybrid of some kind, what exactly? We are not sure. Back in 2005, Scorsese directed the ultimate Dylan doc, “No Direction Home.” Contribute Hire me

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