Vulture sources various different actresses that took part in being interviewed for the article, it’s a fascinating read that gives us a more in-depth look at what’s at stake here with #MeToo in Hollywood. Alyssa Milano, a leader of #MeToo in Hollywood, added that “We’re just now starting to feel the shift. It’s only been a year,” she said. “We [women] were always pitted against each other, right? This is the first time that I’ve ever felt a true sisterhood within the industry. Like a real sisterhood. So we have a network of women in the industry through Time’s Up that are very, very vocal about being careful of certain situations.” Actress Carey Mulligan, being hyped up for Awards love due to her recent performance in “Wildlife” says it definitely “feels different,” adding, “There’s so far to go, but there are people making concrete steps within our industry, and probably more importantly, the world. People in London say that our attitudes are different. If I walk past a [construction] site now and someone commented, I’d go and tell them to fuck themselves, whereas before I probably would have just gone red and walked along. A year later I feel like I’d be like, “Get fucked.” So I think that’s changed.” Veteran actress Patricia Clarkson was more optimistic: “I absolutely think things are different. The timbre has changed, the tone. I would say the way certain male directors have spoken to me is different. They’re just quieter. I feel it, and I maybe I want to believe it, but I feel a difference. I feel a tectonic shift has taken place in Hollywood for the first time.” Hilary Swank says she’s “seen things get better,” but that she “also see[s] moments where there’s steps back, too.” However, the overall tone is grim and unsatisfactory for the 20 women that were interviewed by Vulture. They all seem to signify that some things have indeed changed but that the utopia they desire of a better, more unbiased Hollywood isn’t imminent.  Contribute Hire me

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