Speaking at a recent event at the Filmoteca de Catalunya in Spain, Gilliam reiterated his feeling of boredom towards the genre: “I agree with you, they’re boring. I mean, they’re repetitive,” said Gilliam. “They’re technically brilliant. The work is amazing. There’s some very good actors working. There’s some wonderful moments. But to me, it’s the same film. I keep watching the same film.” He added, “It bothers me that people are so desperate to believe in superheroes rather than real people doing extraordinary things. So, they don’t interest me. I really don’t watch most of them, but when I do, I kinda feel envious because some of the people working on those films are really good, much better than I could ever be.” However, quite shockingly, he actually liked “Avengers: Infinity War”: “I must admit. The ‘Avengers,’ the last one, with Josh Brolin as the bad guy, I quite liked that movie [Laughs],”I was watching a lot of Oscar screeners and getting bored. And suddenly something came along and made me smile.” In the meantime, Gilliam has “The Man Who Killed Don Quixote,” which is about to be released in the coming months, it’s a real treat, go see it. Contribute Hire me

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