“The Greatest Beer Run Ever” is based on the book of the same name by Joanna Molloyand John “Chickie” Donohue. The plot, set in 1967, revolves around a man leaving New York for Vietnam to bring beer to his childhood buddies in the Army while they are fighting the war. The trailer makes it look entertaining, Bill Murray pops up as well. You can just tell that Farrelly’s film will be well-received by the TIFF audience. Critics, on the other hand… Farrelly is a marked man this fall, the “Green Book” haters already have a bias against this one, they must punish him for the 2018 Best Picture Oscar. Guess what? Most non-critics I speak to LOVED “Green Book,” it’s turned into some kind of classic with the non-hardcore-cinephile crowd. An 8.2 rating on IMDB places it 133rd on that site’s famous All-Time Top 250. If you remember, “Green Book” was a rather problematic film in progressive circles, with the racially-themed buddy dramedy spouting a message of hope, which critics deemed as too old-fashioned, even going as far as to say it was a step backwards to the current racial zeitgeist in America, especially with a film industry trying to have a more fully-fleshed and personal approach to African-American storytelling. The truth, however, is that “Green Book” just wanted to entertain, it didn’t have any malicious agenda or purposely un-woke attitudes. It was well-made, well-acted and innocently old-school. Contribute Hire me

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