You got that? Oh, and it gets worse. The Telegraph gives it 2 stars. A 3/10 from Slash Film, and a total pan from Vanity Fair. The other negative takes come from Variety, Deadline, and Screen Daily. IndieWire’s David Ehrlich is a little kinder on Inarritu’s film, giving it a polite C+ grade. The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw is even nicer (3/5) with a semi-positive review. The only rave I’m seeing is from Inarritu’s Mexican compatriot Carlos Aguilar (good writer) who calls it “masterful.” I’ll leave with this little nugget from Richard Lawson’a Vanity Fair review: EARLIER: Oof. This one will be hotly debated. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s “Bardo” has received mixed reactions so far at Venice. Some are saying “masterpiece!” and others conclude “pretentious bore!” The embargo should be lifted in the afternoon. There was footage circulating last night of Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu’s “Bardo” on Twitter before finally being taken down. One thing you noticed about this tiny montage of scenes was the ambition and scope. The shots were Malick-esque, but Inarritu’s go-to DP Emmanuel Lubezki has been replaced here with the equally talented Darius Khondji. A sampled reaction: I’m still not entirely sure what Inarritu’s 3-hour movie is about. Many are speculating that it’s his own personal take on Fellini’s “8 1/2” — a meta autobiographical statement. The early reactions are pointing to a TON of existentialism. Contribute Hire me

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